What’s your healthy meal plan??

Hajra Shoukat
5 min readJan 23, 2021


Craving for food is a natural process that you can’t leave out. Many people distressing themselves, heartbroken usually seeking for a perfect diet plan, and wish to achieve an enchanting smart look. Even if a very slender one wants to improve his weight. You go outside hangout with people grabbing a lot of food while enjoying and suddenly get much weight within a short interval of time. Probably, most of the time ratios of proteins and fats concentration present in the meal are not the same. To overcome these variables regarding health you should have a balanced diet plan.

Whether you’ve done with various diet plans on Google… Still, browsing for a better meal plan??

It is necessary to understand that generally meal plans are associated with the individual health of the public. They are not specific and might vary from person to person. However, it depends upon your body which one suits you best. Age, sex, weight, activity level, and digestion factors are important to determine how much food you need to eat and calories to maintain your diet.


Food on your plate defines the supplements that you take. Averagely, an adult needs 2000 calories per day while a young one needs up to 2200 cal. Some nutritionist recommends a 3D diet plan to keep your metabolism balanced and healthy that includes your breakfast, brunch & dinner. You should have to follow a “food triangle” of eatables weekly. In fact, it helps you to keep an eye on carbs, proteins, keto’s, and fats. Like you can put flour, eggs, milk, vegetables, fruits, meat, chicken & beef, grain, beans, cereals, and nuts in your cart when you’re in the market but how to use them properly on weekly basis is the turning point of a diet towards your health. You eat fresh meals when you crave them. A fresh juicy apple washed with cold water gives you a big relish of bite rather than a ripe one. Similarly, set your meal plans for food of your desire that helps you to have your meal on time.


Get up early in the morning especially woke up before 10 mins of breakfast. Brush your teeth and wash your face, hands properly. In your breakfast, try to eat food that contains proteins e.g. eggs, bread slices, etc. Fresh veggies and fruits are also taken in breakfast and juice beneficial to boost your glucose level. Canned juice is not preferable as it contains several chemicals that produce toxins during metabolism. You can take coffee as well it contains potassium and magnesium and caffeine that burn fats from the body and make your mind fresh to do work. A little addition of yogurt, oatmeal, chia seeds, berries, nuts, protein shakes, fruit, flax seeds, and cottage seed makes your breakfast tight and healthy.


In the middle of the day, starvation happens. Actually, it is the peak time of craving begins and it is said to be the combination of breakfast and lunch. You have to eat salad, Russian salad, the toast of bread with jam, pancakes, fried eggs, biscuits and gravy, cinnamon rolls, etc. Preferably, fruits are very vital to eat at brunch, especially seasonal fruits. It benefits you in both ways; Priorly, vitamins, minerals, and various supplements get to fulfill what your body needs. Secondly, it prevents you from drinking beverages and fizzy drinks. Moreover, you can eat sweets like brownies, pastry, and cream cakes but don’t overeat them. Try to avoid junk food and drink 1 glass of water 3 times a day. Read the health slogans and implement them in your daily life.


You shouldn’t miss out on your dinner. Loaves of bread, cereals, potatoes, rice, vegetables, meat, chicken, drink, milk, etc… are essentials that you take in your dinner. After having dinner you must have to take some sweet or green tea that digests your food properly. Don’t sleep early after dinner. You should walk at least up to 40 strides. This helps your pancreas and stomach metabolism to digest food well. Drink one glass of milk with chopped almonds and pistachio before sleeping. It serves your brain to learn and memorize things for a long time.


It is very important to know the benefits of your meal plan that keeps you strong and healthy. There are a lot of advantages you can take from healthy meal plans but it all depends upon how you focus it. You’ve heard a very famous quote “excess of everything is bad” and literally, in the case of food, it quite resembles a perfect match. If you care about yourself you must have to care for your body that helps you live. Choose a balanced diet and focus on a healthy meal plan. Exercise daily at dawn time and try to grab calories that are beneficial for your body. Be careful while eating otherwise it will be useless. There are bundles of golden advantages that you get from a good healthy meal plan. A good healthy meal plan:

1. is convenient, cheaper, and not very expensive. Everyone should buy it easily.

2. saves your time from extraordinary efforts.

3. maintains your health and body temperature. It prevents you from recurrent diseases.

4. helps you to get rid of having a busy schedule and eat on time.

5. tells us about how many calories to take and fats to burn.

6. keeps your fitness long with metabolism.

7. limits the amount of added sugars which are not good for health.


The key to having strong health is a good healthy meal plan and a balanced diet. No matter you belong to which race or country; it is the right of every person to maintain his health. It needs to consider that a strong healthy community leads to a powerful country. Try to eat food along with diet and chew it properly. Workout after grabbing food shows your activity level and also helps indigestion. Eat well, work well, and sleep well.

